Flight without atmosphere
From March 11, 2020
Given the following model we are going to simulate a flight trajectory without taking atmosphere into consideration
First Model
t = 0;
x0 = 0;
y0 = inputHeight.Value;
v0 = inputSpeed.Value;
double a = (double) inputAngle.Value * Math.PI / 180;
cosa = (decimal) Math.Cos(a);
sina = (decimal)Math.Sin(a);
chart1.Series[0].Points.AddXY(x0, y0);
Model on each unit of time
const decimal dt = 0.1M;
const decimal g = 9.81M;
t += dt;
decimal x = x0 + v0 * cosa * t;
decimal y = y0 + v0 * sina * t - g * t * t / 2;
label4.Text = "Time: " + t;
chart1.Series[0].Points.AddXY(x, y);
if (y <= 0)